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Apr 11
Mandala Projects
Shambhala en español

Meditation en ShambhalaEfforts around the Shambhala mandala are being made to increase the accessibility of the Shambhala teachings in multiple languages. The Shambhala Times has recently been hearing about some of the successes of this endeavor and wanted to share the news with you.

1. Shambhala Europe is Blogging! Visit the Shambhala Europe blog here. Thanks to Luz Rodriguez for making it so!

2. Outreach to Spanish-speakers in Austin,Texas
from Billy Boyar, Director, Austin Shambhala Center

Two years ago we set outreach to our growing Spanish-speaking community as one of our priorities. It was a slow process because we had other priorities and because we didn’t really know how to get started. It was kind of an existential process of stepping into the unknown space and asking questions. Recently I went to El Mundo, a local newspaper for the Spanish-speaking community to see about placing an ad for our Center in that paper. But as it turned out, the editor was interested in writing an article about us. So Sr. José Bruzón came to our Center and interviewed Rita Ricardo, our Spanish Language Coordinator, and me. This event seems to be a breakthrough for us.

Screen shot 2013-04-09 at 5.38.44 PM3. Contentment in Everyday Life Course in Spanish
Dixie Good, Director of Shambhala Online

For Spanish speakers around the world, the Madrid Shambhala Center and Shambhala Online are pleased to offer Curso Simplifica Tu Vida: El contentamiento en la vida cotidiana. The program, taught by Acharya Alfonso Taboada, meets online on Mondays beginning 15 April 2013. For registration information, click here.

Recordings of the previous program in this series, Meditacion en la Vida Cotidiana, are available at Shambhala Online here.

Curso: El Contentamiento en la vida cotidiana en español
Con el Acharya Alfonso Taboada

Queridos amigos: Os informamos de que el próximo lunes 15 de abril dará comienzo este curso online sobre la meditación y los valores de la simplicidad y el contentamiento.

Abierto a todos (no se requieren cursos previos)

Las grabaciones estarán disponibles para poderse ver con posterioridad, por lo que, en el caso de preferir otro horario, el curso puede seguirse también en diferido. Existe la posibilidad de acogerse a descuentos al realizar la inscripción

“Puede resultar difícil encontrar el contentamiento; la mayor parte del tiempo lo buscamos en cosas, logros o relaciones. Con la práctica de la meditación nos relajamos con nosotros mismos y apreciamos las experiencias humanas sencillas. Las emociones difíciles y los retos de la vida pueden ser afrontados con amabilidad, conciencia del momento presente y curiosidad.”

Las grabaciones del programa previo de esta serie, Meditación en la vida cotidiana, se pueden obtener en Shambhala Online aquí.

Screen shot 2013-04-09 at 5.47.11 PM4. Shambhala Youtube Channel en español
Thanks to all who have made this possible!

La tradición Shambhala cree en la sabiduría, la compasión y la valentía inherentes en todos los seres. Mantiene que esas cualidades son, en última instancia, más estables que la agresión y la codicia.

Muestra cómo usar la vida mundana para madurar este potencial espiritual. Consiste en dirigir la mente hacia los demás como disciplina para crear lungta o caballo de viento: la capacidad de alcanzar el éxito gracias a la acción virtuosa. Sakyong Mipham Rinpoché dirige una comunidad mundial enraizada en estos principios.

Esta página web ofrece, entre otros, videos del Sakyong hablando de meditación, sabiduría, compasión y vivir virtuosamente. Hay vínculos a otras páginas web de Shambhala y a los canales de organizaciones, centros y grupos Shambhala en YouTube.

Have more news to share? Send it in! Email us at: [email protected]

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3 responses to “ Shambhala en español ”
  1. Tenía mucho tiempo buscando información de este tipo, de verdad muchas gracias, no te imaginas cuanto me va ayudar, muchos saludos!!!

  2. Along these lines, “The Birth of Society” letter from the Sakyong, Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche has been translated into 11 languages. His message tells everyone about his forthcoming book, The Shambhala Principle: Discovering Humanity’s Hidden Treasure, and its significance for our community. You can find translations, and listen to a recording of the letter in English, by visiting ShambhalaOnline.org

  3. There is also the Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche en español YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/SMRShambhalaEsp this too is thanks to the translation work of Luz Rodriguez.

    Both Spanish channels also include links to the latest offerings from Shambhala Online en español. There are also links to the Spanish speaking Shambhala Centers and Groups by country. The videos’ descriptions also have these links, plus links to teachings, texts and books, by the Vidyadhara and the Sakyong in Spanish.

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